The Ubuntu Group
Global Consulting, Coaching & Training
To develop individuals, groups, and organizations
to and far beyond their known or imagined aspirations.
The Ubuntu Group partners with others to develop, grow, and propagate
all parts of organizations and individuals. This is accomplished through three areas of practice: consulting toward organizational development, comprehensive coaching, and specific trainings. Each of these are pursued through both well developed and cutting-edge theories and practices that are understood through the lenses of the particular people, their environment, and their culture being engaged with.
People & Planet & Profit
The Ubuntu Group values and is dedicated to the Triple Bottom Line. People and their development are paramount to the growth of any organization. Our home, Planet Earth, is valuable, should be respected through conservation, preservation, and restoration. Profit and economic health of every individual and organization we partner with is also of value.
Discretion & Fidelity
The Ubuntu Group values confidentiality and loyalty to our clients and all of their stakeholders. We are privileged to work with each client and thus have a deep responsibility to be discrete and trustworthy during and after working together.
Availability & Accessibility
The Ubuntu Group values its availability to all individuals and all groups of any size and any composition. We area also accessible and within reach of all both in communication and economically.
Practice Meets the Academy
The Ubuntu Group is group of practitioners who value what the academy has, does, and will continue to provide. We acknowledge that there are dual leading edges of learning and best practices that lay both in ideas in formed in higher education and the experience of those observing and learning in practice.
Learn, Teach, Learn
The Ubuntu Group values the wisdom that development comes from learning which comes from teaching which comes from learning. These learning loops create teachers that are students and students that are teachers that value the teachability of all.
To teach is to learn twice.
Breadth with Depth
The Ubuntu Group values both the range and strength of our organization, the services we provide, and the uniqueness of each of our clients. In all that we do there is an extensive breadth so that we may bring the most appropriate models, programs, and experience, that, ultimately, serves our clients best. Within this comprehensive range we bring the depth of proven strategies and tactics through custom built teams of experts to serve you.